Tagged: Migration

Noontime Art Talk: Felix Gonzalez-Torres

Join Beth Finch, Lunder Curator of American Art, and Francisca Moraga López, Mirken Family Postbaccalaureate Fellow in Museum Practice, to discuss the artist Felix Gonzalez-Torres and his two “Untitled” works that will be on view in... more >

Photography and Migration Tours

The students of Tanya Sheehan’s AR498: Photography and Migration class would like to invite all to attend a tour of photography found on view in the Davis and Landay galleries that relate to the Center for the Arts... more >

Two Videos by Christian Marclay

Organized in conjunction with the 2014-2015 humanities theme of Migration, this event will feature a screening of Bollywood Goes to Gstaad (2013), a video by Christian Marclay composed of Bollywood scenes filmed in the Swiss Alps.... more >