Thomas Moran, Acoma

Click on the image to launch the puzzle. The default difficulty setting for this puzzle is appropriate for a young child. For a greater challenge, adjust the number of pieces using the “Play As” button in the upper right-hand corner.

Thomas Moran, Acoma, 1902. Oil on canvas, 20 in. x 30 in. (50.8 cm x 76.2 cm). The Lunder Collection. Accession Number: 2013.211.

Look. Connect. Create.

While doing this puzzle, have fun slowing down and noticing the details in each piece. Click on the work’s title above to see a high-quality zoomable version.

To learn more about the work, read the label information. You’ll find the name of the artist, the name of the work, and when it was created. If you want to know more, you can do an internet search for the artist and the work.

When you finish, take some time to think about your experience:

  • As you look at the entire work of art, what story do you think it tells?
  • Are there any details that took some time for you to notice?
  • Think about connections to your own life experiences and knowledge. Is there anything that reminds you of your own life, or does this work of art teach you something new?