The present exhibition of Winslow Homer’s art originated in the fact that the Art Departments of Bowdoin and Colby Colleges have in their keeping some fifteen of Homer’s pictures, the temporary exchange of which would be mutually beneficial. It was also apparent that they could form the nucleus of a larger exhibition of Homer’s work. There were good reasons for attempting to present such an exhibition. Winslow Homer is now recognized as one of the finest of American artists, and one of the most “American”; thus his work is worth exhibiting at any time. He has, moreover, a special interest for the people of Maine, for Prout’s Neck, Maine, was his chosen home during the last twenty-seven years of his life. There, at the peak of his power, he produced most of his greatest paintings. Nearly always these represent scenes and express attitudes with which the people of northern New England are acquainted by first hand experience. Sponsored by the Art Departments of Bowdoin and Colby Colleges.