currents5: t s Beall

October 9, 2008 - February 1, 2009

Davis Gallery

In the fifth installment of currents, an annual solo exhibition dedicated to the work of an emerging artist with connections to Maine, the Colby College Museum of Art presents Here Be Dragons (2008), a new video installation by t s Beall, an American artist living in Glasgow who attended the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in 2003. The exhibition consists of a single watchtower surmounted by a rotating platform outfitted with video projectors. From it, circular, scope-like video sequences of landscape imagery drawn from desolate outposts and contested areas are projected onto the walls of the gallery.

Watch a video of the installation here

Banner Image: t s Beall, Bradley takes out IED (Iraq), Video still from Here Be Dragons, 2008-09, Video projections of live-feed and recorded content from online sources, two DVD players, laptop computer, steel, wood, motors, and cables, dimensions variable, Museum purchase from the Jere Abbott Emerging Artist Fun, 2009.044