Contemporary Painting and Sculpture from the Home of Governor Nelson Rockefeller at Seal Harbor

April 17, 1961 - May 13, 1961

An exhibition of paintings, sculptures and tapestries from the private collection of Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller will open at the Bixler Art and Music Center at Colby College. The items are from Governor Rockefeller’s gallery at Seal Harbor and come to Colby from the Memorial Art Museum in Rochester, NY. The exhibition will feature two tapestries, one by Picasso, the other woven by Marguerite Zorach depicting the family of John D. Rockefeller. Artists who will be represented by paintings include: Adolph Gottlieb, Philip Guston, Georges Mathieu, and Pierre Soulages. The works of ten sculptors will be on view, among them: Alexander Calder, ALberto Giacometti, Gerhard Marcks and Louise Nevelson.