Guided Tour

Wednesday, July 7, 2021,

Colby College Museum of Art

Join an in-person tour of our new summer exhibitions, offered on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2 p.m. throughout the summer, starting on June 19.

Our guided experiences will be led by staff, student interns, and our museum docents, offering highlights for each of the exhibitions, Inside Out: The Prints of Mary Cassatt and Bob Thompson: This House is Mine.

Please note that our summer exhibitions open at different times during the summer months. The June 19–July 17 tours will present highlights only in Inside Out: The Prints of Mary Cassatt (opening June 17). The July 21–September 1 tours will expand to also include highlights in the exhibition Bob Thompson: This House is Mine (opening July 20).

We recommend that visitors create a free advance registration, as we are limiting capacity to ensure the comfort, health and safety of all participants. 

Our Welcome Desk Attendants also will be available to register visitors onsite, as our capacity guidelines allow.

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