Art Kits for All

Thursday, November 12, 2020,

Alfond Youth and Community Center

Artist Rebecca Goodale, generously donated materials from her “Ant Girls” exhibition to Waterville Creates! With this week’s art kit, you can make your own book using these colorful, recycled, and unique papers. Kits will be distributed at the Alfond Youth + Community Center from 3:00-5:00 p.m. or until supplies last. A number of kits will be available for the weekend backpack program too. Art Kits for All is an effort designed to help keep families engaged and entertained during this public health crisis by providing free art supplies and instructions for art projects that can be created at home. Art Kits for All is a collaborative project, with many local nonprofits providing manpower and supplies including Waterville Creates!, the Colby College Museum of Art, the Kennebec Montessori School, Waterville Public Schools, and the Family Violence Project. The Art Kits are assembled while wearing masks, art materials are sanitized, and the kits are prepared a week prior to the distribution date to further minimize any transmission risk.

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