BE DAMMED: Art as Resistance to Environmental Destruction with Carolina Caycedo

Wednesday, March 4, 2020,

Ostrove Auditorium, The Diamond Building

Carolina Caycedo is a London-born Colombian artist living in Los Angeles. She participates in movements of territorial resistance, solidarity economies, and housing as a human right. Her work contributes to the construction of environmental historical memory as a fundamental element for non-repetition of violence against human and non-human entities and generates a debate about the future in relation to common goods, environmental justice, just energy transition, and cultural biodiversity.

Join us as Caycedo talks about her ongoing project, Be Dammed, which uses Indigenous cosmogonies of the Americas, conceptualizing all bodies of waters as connected. Be Dammed investigates the effects that large dams have on natural and social landscapes in several American bio-regions. Carolina uses aerial and satellite imagery, geo-choreographies, and audio-visual essays to intersect social bodies with bodies of water, exploring public space in rural contexts, and conjuring water as a common good.

Caycedo will also participate in a more casual lunchtime conversation in the Colby Museum earlier in the day.

Cosponsored by the Oak Center for Human Rights, the Center for the Arts and Humanities, the Colby Museum, the Spanish Department, the Latin American Studies Program, and the Environmental Studies Program.

For questions, please contact Jordia Benjamin-Sands.

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