Enjoy a celebration of the Museum’s new exhibitions, Anna Jermolaewa: Leninopad (Leninfall), Graphic Matters: George Bellows and World War I, and No Limits: Zao Wou-Ki.
4:30–6 pm
Gallery tours and art making for all ages
6:30–8:30 pm
Live music and reception with food and drinks (21+ bring ID)
7 pm
Afro-Cuban artist Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons invites you to a collaborative performance with musicians, visual art, and a poetry reading. Organized by the Art Department with the support of the Colby College Museum of Art, Center for the Arts and Humanities, Pugh Center, Pugh Community Board, Dean of College, Latin American Studies Program, American Studies, African-American Studies, Spanish Department, and Theater and Dance Department.