Jackie Brown’s primary focus is sculpture installation. She works to create immersive environments that invite the viewer into imagined biological systems, where it’s often ambiguous whether the forms are benign or toxic. An important undercurrent in the work is an interest in the human manipulation of living systems. She encourages viewers to consider the shifting nature of the world around them.
Artist biography:
Jackie Brown is an artist and educator whose work has been featured in exhibitions throughout the United States, including installations at the Saratoga Arts Center, the Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, and the Roy G Biv Gallery for Emerging Artists, among others.
Brown recently installed work at MDI Biological Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine and she is currently preparing for forthcoming installations in Maine, Maryland, and Massachusetts. Brown is also Assistant Professor of Art at Bowdoin College where she runs the sculpture program and teaches a variety of courses as part of the Visual Arts Department. Brown received her BA from Hamilton College and her MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University.
The Studio Artist Lecture series is organized by Colby’s Art Department.

Photo from Jackie Brown’s installation of Brain Fruit.

Photo from Jackie Brown’s installation of Brain Fruit.